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VTA 11 ᐙᐱᒫᐤ waapimaau (1p→3, 21p→3, 2p→3, 3→1p, 3→21p, 3→2p)

Apprenons à conjuguer waapimaau ᐙᐱᒫᐤ "il/elle la/le voit", conjugaison 11. Personnes mixtes (direct, inverse) au pluriel sur 3.

Voir: VTA, Radical en m/n/p/w/y, 11.

Étudiez (et répétez) ces mots

ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᒥᒋᐦᒡ vta

aah waapimichihch

when we (but not you) see her/him

m/n/p/w/y [waapimaau] [11] [direct] [1p→3][M]

ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᒥᐦᒄ vta

aah waapimihkw

when we (you and I) see her/him

m/n/p/w/y [waapimaau] [11] [direct] [21p→3][M]

ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᒫᒄ vta

aah waapimaakw

when you [plural] see her/him

m/n/p/w/y [waapimaau] [11] [direct] [2p→3][M]

ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᒥᔨᒥᐦᑦ vta

aah waapimiyimiht

when s/he sees us (but not you)

m/n/p/w/y [waapimaau] [11] [inverse] [3→1p][M]

ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᒥᑎᐦᒄ vta

aah waapimitihkw

when s/he see us (you and me)

m/n/p/w/y [waapimaau] [11] [inverse] [3→21p][M]

ᐋᐦ ᐙᐱᒥᑖᒄ vta

aah waapimitaakw

when s/he sees you [plural]

m/n/p/w/y [waapimaau] [11] [inverse] [3→2p][M]

Exercice terminé