Faire correspondre les traductions écrites (roman)

Faire correspondre le texte cri avec sa traduction

aah nikimuyihkw

when we (you and I) are singing

aah niipuwiyaahch

when we (but not you) are standing

aah niipuwiyaakw

when you [plural] are standing

aah niipuwiyihkw

when we (you and I) are standing

aah nikimuyaakw

when you [plural] are singing

aah shiihkichiyaakw

when you [plural] are cold

aah shiihkichiyihkw

when we (you and I) are cold

aah nikimuyaahch

when we (but not you) are singing

aah shiihkichiyaahch

when we (but not you) are cold

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