Unscramble the word by clicking the corresponding syllabic and space
Find the words illustrated under the puzzle. Select each word by clicking the first and last syllabics.
Click any square in a word to reveal the corresponding image(s). Click again to hear the word. Complete a word by clicking each corresponding syllabic and square.
Unscramble the word by clicking the corresponding grapheme and space
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ᑳᐦᑳᒎ kaahkaachuu
ᒥᒋᓲ michisuu
ᒥᔅᑎᓲ mistisuu
ᓂᔅᒃ nisk
ᐹᔥᐹᔥᑌᐤ paashpaashteu
ᐱᔦᔒᔥ piyeshiish
ᐱᔦᐤ piyeu
ᔐᔐᔔ shesheshuu
ᔒᔒᑉ shiishiip
ᐌᐦᐌᐤ wehweu
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