ᒧᓵᔅᑰ | ᑎᐱᔅᑳᐤ | ᐳᐙᒨ | ᐎᔮᑲᓐ |
ᐳᐙᒨ | ᒧᓵᔅᑰ | ᑎᐱᔅᑳᐤ | ᑑᐦᐋᓐ |
ᐎᔮᑲᓐ | ᑑᐦᐋᓐ | ᑎᐱᔅᑳᐤ | ᐎᔮᑲᓐ |
ᑑᐦᐋᓐ | ᑑᐦᐋᓐ | ᒧᓵᔅᑰ | ᐎᔮᑲᓐ |
ᑎᐱᔅᑳᐤ | ᐳᐙᒨ | ᒧᓵᔅᑰ | ᐳᐙᒨ |
Choose activity
Recognize new syllabics
Recognize new words
Missing syllabic
Complete the word by clicking the corresponding syllabic and space
Syllabic memory matching (small)
Word memory matching (syllabics)
Recognize syllabics at the start of a word
Scrambled words (syllabics)
Unscramble the word by clicking the corresponding syllabic and space
Word search (small) (syllabics)
Find the words illustrated under the puzzle. Select each word by clicking the first and last syllabics.
Many missing syllabics
Complete the word by clicking the corresponding syllabic and space
Syllabic memory matching (large)
Dictation (syllabics)
Spelling (syllabics)
Drawing syllabics
Scrambled words (roman)
Unscramble the word by clicking the corresponding grapheme and space
Word memory matching (syllabics)
Find pairs of matching words by clicking on the tiles