Faire correspondre les traductions écrites (syllabique)

Faire correspondre le texte cri avec sa traduction

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑭᐙᑯᒡ

when you [plural] find them

ᐋᐦ ᐐᒫᐦᐅᒋᐦᒡᐦ

when we (but not you) go around them

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑭᐎᐦᑯᒡ

when we (you and I) find them

ᐋᐦ ᐐᒫᐦᐙᑯᒡ

when you [plural] go around them

ᐋᐦ ᐐᒫᐦᐅᑖᑯᒡ

when they go around you [plural]

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑳᑖᑯᒡ

when they find you [plural]

ᐋᐦ ᐐᒫᐦᐅᐦᑯᒡ

when we (you and I) go around them

ᐋᐦ ᐐᒫᐦᐅᑎᐦᑯᒡ

when they go around us (you and me)

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑭᐎᔨᒥᐦᒡᐦ

when they find us (but not you)

ᐋᐦ ᐐᒫᐦᐅᔨᒥᐦᒡᐦ

when they go around us (but not you)

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑭᐎᒋᐦᒡᐦ

when we (but not you) find them

ᐋᐦ ᒥᔅᑳᑎᐦᑯᒡ

when they find us (you and me)

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