Complete the word by clicking the corresponding syllabic and space
Unscramble the word by clicking the corresponding syllabic and space
Find the words illustrated under the puzzle. Select each word by clicking the first and last syllabics.
Click any square in a word to reveal the corresponding image(s). Click again to hear the word. Complete a word by clicking each corresponding syllabic and square.
Listen, record what you hear, and compare your own pronunciation to the original. *User recordings are temporary and will never be saved on our server
Unscramble the word by clicking the corresponding grapheme and space
This activity uses words and letters from previous lessons
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ᐊᑯᐦᑉ akuhp
ᒌᒫᓐ chiimaan
ᓈᐹᐤ naapaau
ᓃᐱᓐ niipin
ᓂᑭᒨ nikimuu
ᔖᐳᐦᑎᐙᓐ shaapuhtiwaan
ᑖᐦᒋᐴ taahchipuu
ᑑᑑᔑᓈᐳᐃ tuutuushinaapui
ᐅᔅᑭᓐ uskin
ᐙᐳᔥ waapush
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